Main Content
The Clear Path To Cane Mastery from the Comfort and Safety of Home in Months Instead of Years.
Structured, step by step curriculums so you always know the next step
Simple, step-by-step, bite-sized video lessons so you make real progress, starting today!
Monthly Live Virtual CSDU Member Support Sessions!
Join our live "Ask Anything Cane Related" training sessions or catch the recordings. Hosted by ACSD/CCS Founder Joe Robaina, we'll answer your questions and share the latest developments, tips, and techniques.
Stuctured System with Quizzes & Certificates
Learning is made easy using a formal learning management system that includes quizzies, video critiques resulting in your certification.
Structured Step By Step Courses and Content Added Monthly!
Our mission is not to overwhelm you with useless information. Just exactly the support you need to establish a regular and consistent at home Cane practice so you can attain your goals without wasting time.
What Others Say About Joe Robaina
Realistic Fighting System
I just finished the Cane Seminar with GM Joe. Traveled all the way from Canada to participate. GM Joe is a fantastic teacher and true Martial Artist, in every sense of the word. He has developed a realistic fighting system with the Cane.Eli Freedman
Best Possible Instructor
“In my work as a government consultant, I travel to many troubled places in the world where I feel a need for greater personal security. After carefully evaluating my options, I learned that Joe Robaina is one of the two specialists in cane defense and the best possible instructor.Keith Melton
An Experience 2nd to None
“An Experience 2nd to None From first hand experience in many courses in many schools , Dr Robaina's teaching, guidance and follow up with students is SECOND TO NONE. World Cass Instructor and opportunity he is offering. I strongly recommend this course. –Gil Martinez
Feeling a Lot Safer Now
GM Joe, I just watched the first three Powershot Pre-Load Morph videos. These 3 videos alone are worth the price of the monthly subscription. This takes the Five 2 Survive course to the next level. I practiced for 30 min in my hotel room this morning and have SO MUCH more confidence walking around this city now. There was alrady a ton of content to go through before you added the Cane Morph. You break every movement down so we can practice slow and then increase our speed. Love what you have put together! Anyone who wants to learn self defense is c razy not to get this course!Have a great day. Mine is a little safer now because of you. Mike"Dr. Mike Uriarte
Director Joe Robaina

About Joe Robaina
American Cane Self Defense & American Cane Boxing and CaneFlow Founder.
Joe Robaina is the Founder and Developer of the American Cane Self Defense (ACSD), American Cane Boxing (ACB) CaneFlow (CF) systems. A world leader, developer and pioneer of the Cane arts and culture. With an International following and nearly 3 decades of teaching and promoting Cane self defense, Robaina’s role has been instrumental in two main areas:
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Frequently Asked Questions
What Makes CSDU Different From Other Virtual Cane Training?
In industries across the board, the trend for virtual membership sites is to feature mission-less courses endorsed and promoted by "known" personalities with the main incentive to join being they're cheap ($10-$20/month). So you're monthly investment flies under the radar and you have access to all this material that doesn't amount to anything and there's no logical step by step progression so you don't end up getting the outcome you wanted. Structure and a Clear Path to Mastery without overwhelm is key so you always know exactly what to do (the goal for your training session) and you don't waste time and effort.
The course content is also different. Our Cane courses are NOT martial arts based. We don't train you with long Cane katas, nor is the goal to present yourself to a judge in competition. Nothing wrong with that, just not what we do.There are others who do that better than we do. Rather, our courses revolve around tactical Cane Self Defense, Combat Cane Spinning, and Cane Fitness. The training is delivered in short segments that don't overwhelm so you work on bite sized pieces with challenging and fun drills and before you know've done the work and requirements on your outcomes checklist and attained your goal! Then you may find yourself saying, that was GREAT! Now what? - And we move on to the next level - That's how you can Master the Cane with CSDU in a fraction of the time compared with others who don't have the curriculums or deliverables for such an experience and outcomes.
Lastly, read carefully or listen to the video testimonials of our members. One commonality they all mention is the world class support and great care you recieve so no one gets left behind.
I Have Injuries, Will I Be Able To Cane Train?
Disclaimer: ALWAYS check with your physician first before engaging in ANY physical activity.
Our big word is CIRCUMVENT or the ability to work around limitations. Our curriculums allow for modification and our focus is on what you CAN do and not on what you can't do. Our experience is that, with proper guidance and coaching what you CAN do will surprise you! Our emphasis is important in today's world because criminals don't care if you're injured.
We also have an advantage, our Founder Joe Robaina is a licensed and board certified healthcare professional (ND and LMT) with vast experience in treating musculoskeletal injuries. Our curriculums reflect his experience.
In addition to acquiring medical clearance if necessary, please call our HDQ at 800-289-8188 to discuss and learn how we can serve you best.
I’m I Too Old To Master The Cane?
We seriously doubt that. We're responsible for giving rise to the 50+ Cane Athlete and the average age of Caners in our Immersion Trainings in Miami is 65. - We have Masters of Combat Cane Spinning in their 70s.
Watch videos below!
Meet 70+ CSDU EliteMember and Master of Combat Cane Spinning Keith Melton:
Master Keith Melton Demonstrating Cane Speed, Power, and Accuracy:
Mastering The Cane: Secrets of Anti-Aging and 100lbs Weight Loss Interview:
I Don’t Have A Training Partner, Can I Still Master The Cane Online?
YES!!! - We created our curriculums with you in mind. Most CSDU members do not have training partners and our curriculums and evidence based methods account for that. We specialize in Cane At Home Solo Training. You can Master the Cane even if you don't have a training partner. We do offer the 3-day, 10 hour LIVE in person Cane Immersion in Miami, Fl led by Joe Robaina and his A-Team of Master Instructors to complement your online training experience. Please make sure to ask how you can add this option to your CSDU membership. 800-289-8188
With Your Virtual CSDU Training, How Long Does It Take To Become Proficient With The Cane ?
It all depends on how consistent you are with your training and use your support systems as we indicate. The following are averages.
Cane Self Defense is the easiest aspect of the Cane to attain. The Five To Survive course for example is designed to make you effective in the first 2 hours of training. More advanced Cane Self Defense Training takes about 10 weeks and then a "maintenance" schedule.
The Master Rank on the other hand, may take 6 months or longer.
Either way, our structured curriculums and by the hand world class support allow you to attain your goals in a fraction of the time compared to other programs.
After I Enroll, How Do I Access Courses?
After you enroll, you'll receive a Welcome Aboard! email with your Username and Password for full access to all courses. Your first step is to schedule your 10 minute CSDU Orientation Call so based on your goals, you know exactly where to start and how to navigate every step of the way. You will also speak directly to Joe Robaina who will welcome you personally.
To schedule your Orientation Call please text CSDUCALL to 305-745-7839 or Call 800-289-8188.
Are There Courses Besides Cane Self Defense?
YES! Cane Self Defense University is all about the Cane Culture in the areas of American Cane Self Defense, Combat Cane Spinning, and Cane Fitness. New Courses and content are offered in each of the divisions progrssively and regularly. The potential of the Cane extends beyond self defense, but if all you're interested in is self defense, you can stick to those courses and content.
Are DVD’s Available?
We have a few DVDs remaining for the "Five To Survive" (52S) foundational course. All other courses and content are only available online with a CSDU Membership.
I Have Zero Experience, Will Learning The Cane Be Too Difficult For Me?
Perfect! Welcome Aboard! Our curriculum is designed to take you step by step from beginner to Mastery in the fastest, most efficient way possible. One advantage you may have is the absence of a poor foundation or 'bad habits" that would require re-training. On the other hand, if you have previous Cane Training experience or you're an Instructor in a another system, you may have an advantage navigating the curriculum. Either way you can go at your own pace. Key word being GO!