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About the COBRA Cane 10 Week Academy
The COBRA Cane 10 Week Academy Cane Self Defense University course is comprised of over 100+ videos and a final exam. Check out the entire table of contents below. This is preparedness and not only for a knife attack but for a wide range of attacks.
The COBRA Cane 10 Week Academy is a methodical journey through reality based, cane self-defense training that is only available at Cane Self Defense University. You can’t get it or this kind of thorough, comprehensive reality based cane self defense training anywhere.
The COBRA Cane 10 Week Academy is just one of many courses that are offered at Cane Self Defense University.
Module 1 | Week 1, Class 1 | |
Unit 1 | COBRA Cane Introductory Concepts | |
Unit 2 | Introduction: Myth Busting-Cell Phone Demo Explained | |
Unit 3 | Introduction: Cane-Cell Phone Demo | |
Unit 4 | Introduction: Cane-Parking Lot Demo | |
Unit 5 | Introduction: Cane Basics 1-Cane Anatomy & Functionality | |
Unit 6 | Introduction: Cane Basics 2- Cane Carry, Grips, and Choking Up | |
Unit 7 | Drill: Cane Choking Up | |
Unit 8 | Prep and Warm Up | |
Unit 9 | Introduction: Cane PowerShot Template | |
Unit 10 | Drill: Cane Grind Explanation | |
Unit 11 | Drill: Cane Grind | |
Unit 12 | Scenario #1:Home Invasion | |
Module 2 | Week 1, Class 2 | |
Unit 1 | Warm Up (from Prep & Warm-Up Week 1, Class 1) | |
Unit 2 | Introduction: Verbalization, First 3 to 5 Seconds | |
Unit 3 | Introduction: Verbal Command Presence | |
Unit 4 | Review: 5 Cane Power Shots | |
Unit 5 | Introduction: Cane Catch Blocks | |
Unit 6 | Cane Catch Block Student Practice Demo | |
Unit 7 | Drill: Cane Catch Block Student Practice | |
Unit 8 | Drill: Cane Catch Block Staggered Practice Explained | |
Unit 9 | Introduction: Empty Hand Translations of Cane Power Shot Template | |
Unit 10 | Introduction: Cane Wrist Escapes | |
Module 3 | Week 2, Class 1 | |
Unit 1 | Warm Up (from Prep & Warm-Up Week 1, Class 1) | |
Unit 2 | Discuss & Review TPM from Week 1 Introductory Concepts | |
Unit 3 | Review: Empty Hand Powershot Template | |
Unit 4 | Review: Cane Wrist Escapes | |
Unit 5 | Scenario #2: Break the Grab Wrist Escapes | |
Module 4 | Week 2, Class 2 | |
Unit 1 | Warm Up (from Prep & Warm-Up Week 1, Class 1) | |
Unit 2 | Introduction: Cane Fighting Ranges, Vertical Cane Strikes, 2-Handed Striking Concepts | |
Unit 3 | Drill: 2 Handed Cane Grind Standing & Ground | |
Unit 4 | Introduction: Cane Maneuvers for Anchors, Takedowns, Finishing | |
Unit 5 | Introduction To Cane Maneuverability | |
Unit 6 | Introduction To Cane Windshield Wiper | |
Unit 7 | Windshield Wiper Drill | |
Unit 8 | Finishing with the Horn | |
Module 5 | Week 3, Class 1 | |
Unit 1 | Warm Up (from Prep & Warm-Up Week 1, Class 1) | |
Unit 2 | 3 Types of Bad Guys | |
Unit 3 | Introduction: Cane Cover Hand Triangle | |
Unit 4 | Introduction: Lapel Grab Escapes | |
Unit 5 | Lapel Grab Escapes Student Demonstration | |
Unit 6 | Finger Lock Corrections | |
Unit 7 | Review: Cane Anchor | |
Unit 8 | Review: From Cane Maneuverability Intro-Forward Twirl & Chamber | |
Unit 9 | Review: Cane Windshield Wiper | |
Unit 10 | Review: From Cane Maneuverability Intro-Figure 8 Shaft & Crook | |
Unit 11 | Drill: Cane Fatigue and Fight | |
Module 6 | Week 3, Class 2 | |
Unit 1 | Warm Up (from Prep & Warm-Up Week 1, Class 1) | |
Unit 2 | High & Low Concept:Targeting the Knee | |
Unit 3 | The Grind: Cane Powershots & Figure 8s | |
Unit 4 | Drill: Shark Tank-3-20 Second Rounds | |
Unit 5 | Introduction: Cane Defense-Bear Hug Interlocked | |
Unit 6 | Introduction: Juggernaut Strategy & Lines Drill | |
Module 7 | Week 4, Class 1 | |
Unit 1 | Warm Up (from Prep & Warm-Up Week 1, Class 1) | |
Unit 2 | Review: Cane Defense-Bear Hug Interlocked | |
Unit 3 | Introduction: Cane Defense-Bear Hug Fingers Interlaced | |
Unit 4 | Introduction: Cane Defend Zones,-Mid-Line Thrust | |
Unit 5 | Scenario #3: Cane Fight 1, Fight 2 (grade as Scenario instead of drill) | |
Module 8 | Week 4, Class 2 | |
Unit 1 | Warm Up (from Prep & Warm-Up Week 1, Class 1) | |
Unit 2 | Introduction: Cane Partitioning | |
Unit 3 | Student Demo: Cane Partitioning Groin & Safety | |
Unit 4 | Introduction: Cane Defend Zones Lower Body-Broom Sweeps | |
Unit 5 | Review: Cane Defense-Bear Hug Interlaced | |
Unit 6 | Introduction: Cane Defense-Bear Hug Arms In | |
Unit 7 | Break the Bear-Hug Drill Explained | |
Unit 8 | Drill: Break the Bear Hug Demonstration | |
Module 9 | Week 5, Class 1 | |
Unit 1 | Warm Up (from Prep & Warm-Up Week 1, Class 1) | |
Unit 2 | Introduction: Cane Strike Zones, Low Laterals, Groin | |
Unit 3 | Review: All Cane Defenses Against Bear Hugs | |
Unit 4 | Review: 3 Technique Combo Against Bear Hugs (Continuous) | |
Unit 5 | Introduction: Cane-Headlock Rear Escape, Side Headlock & North/South Headlock | |
Unit 6 | Scenario #4: Cane Flash Bang | |
Module 10 | Week 5, Class 2 | |
Unit 1 | Warm Up (from Prep & Warm-Up Week 1, Class 1) | |
Unit 2 | What it Takes to Survive | |
Unit 3 | Introduction: Cane Strike Zones-Midline, Sternum | |
Unit 4 | Introduction: Cane Defense-Healdlock North/South (from Headlock Intro Wk 5, Class 1) | |
Unit 5 | Introduction: Cane Ground Familiarization | |
Unit 6 | Ground Familiarization Cane Drill: Pass the Guard | |
Unit 7 | Introduction: Defending the Takedown-Cane Sprawl & Melon Crush | |
Module 11 | Week 6, Class 1 | |
Unit 1 | Warm Up (from Prep & Warm-Up Week 1, Class 1) | |
Unit 2 | Introduction: Cane Strike Zones:-Frontal & Diagonal | |
Unit 3 | Introduction: Cane Defend Zones: Triangle Deflections-Frontal Roof | |
Unit 4 | Defend Zones: Diagonal-Frontal Student Demo w/Corrections | |
Unit 5 | Introduction: Slice the Melon Cane Strategy | |
Unit 6 | Review: All Cane Defenses Against Headlocks (Student Demo) | |
Unit 7 | Drill: Grind-Breaking Headlocks | |
Unit 8 | Scenario: Pre-Attack Indicators & Sucker Punch Explained | |
Unit 9 | Scenario #5: The Sucker Punch | |
Module 12 | Week 6, Class 2 | |
Unit 1 | Warm Up (from Prep & Warm-Up Week 1, Class 1) | |
Unit 2 | Introduction: Cane Retention-Retain Your Cane | |
Unit 3 | Cane Retention Practice (Student Demo) | |
Unit 4 | Introduction: Cane Recovery Position | |
Unit 5 | Drill: Cane Recovery Position & Powershot Strategy | |
Unit 6 | Introduction: Cane Takedowns from Recovery Position | |
Unit 7 | Drill: Cane-Fight-Recover | |
Unit 8 | Drill: Cane-All Tied Up | |
Module 13 | Week 7, Class 1 | |
Unit 1 | Warm Up (from Prep & Warm-Up Week 1, Class 1) | |
Unit 2 | Introduction: Cane vs Edged Weapons (Discussion & Vital Concepts) | |
Unit 3 | Cane Knife Defense Strategy: Don't Backup! | |
Unit 4 | Drill: Shark Tank | |
Unit 5 | Introduction: Loose Cane Strategies | |
Unit 6 | Scenario: 10 Second Knife Attack Survival Explanation & Demo | |
Unit 7 | Scenario #6:10 Second Knife Survival | |
Module 14 | Week 7, Class 2 | |
Unit 1 | Warm Up (from Prep & Warm-Up Week 1, Class 1) | |
Unit 2 | Review: Verbalization, Command Presence, First 3-5 seconds from Week 1 | |
Unit 3 | Review: Juggernaut Strategy & Loose Cane Strategies (from previous class) | |
Unit 4 | Introduction: Cane Closed Quarters Knife Under Chin | |
Unit 5 | Introduction: Cane Defense Knife Under Chin Variation | |
Unit 6 | Introduction: Cane Defense Knife Mid-Line Thrust | |
Unit 7 | Introduction: Cane Defense Against Edged Weapon Overhead & Outside Slash | |
Unit 8 | Introduction: Knife Defense Strategies & Applications from the Chair | |
Module 15 | Week 8, Class 1 | |
Unit 1 | Warm Up (from Prep & Warm-Up Week 1, Class 1) | |
Unit 2 | Review: Cane Recovery Position from Week 6, Class 2 | |
Unit 3 | Review: Cane Defenses vs Edged Weapons Week 7, Class 2 | |
Unit 4 | Introduction: Cane Defenses-Knife from the Rear (Low. Medium,High) | |
Unit 5 | Cane Grind Drill Explanation | |
Unit 6 | Cane Grind Drill | |
Unit 7 | Scenario: Loose Cane Scramble Explanation and Set-Up | |
Unit 8 | Scenario #7: Loose Cane Scramble | |
Module 16 | Week 8, Class 2 | |
Unit 1 | Warm Up (from Prep & Warm-Up Week 1, Class 1) | |
Unit 2 | Introduction: Cane Pressure Points & Anatomical Targeting | |
Unit 3 | Review: Cane Defense vs Knife From Rear (from previous class) | |
Unit 4 | Introduction: Cane Edged Weapon Anchor (Standing & Ground Demo) | |
Unit 5 | Scenario #8: Keep Your Distance Explanation | |
Unit 6 | Scenario #8: Keep Your Distance | |
Module 17 | Week 9, Class 1 | |
Unit 1 | Warm Up (from Prep & Warm-Up Week 1, Class 1) | |
Unit 2 | Introduction: Cane Defense vs Firearm | |
Unit 3 | Introduction: Cane Defense vs Gun Point Blank Head-2 Ways | |
Unit 4 | Cane vs Gun Point Blank Head (Student Practice) | |
Unit 5 | Introduction: Cane vs Gun Under Chin & Tactical Concepts | |
Unit 6 | Cane vs Gun Under Chin Student Practice | |
Unit 7 | Introduction: Cane Defense Gun Point Blank Chest | |
Unit 8 | Cane vs Gun to the Chest Student Demonstration | |
Unit 9 | Drill:Cane Quick Draw vs Gun Explained & Demo | |
Unit 10 | Drill: Cane Quick Draw vs Gun (Student Demo w/Corrections) | |
Unit 11 | Scenario #9: Loose Weapon Scramble 2 | |
Module 18 | Week 9, Class 2 | |
Unit 1 | Warm Up (from Prep & Warm-Up Week 1, Class 1) | |
Unit 2 | Review: All Cane vs Firearm Defenses Covered | |
Unit 3 | Review: All Cane vs Firearm Defenses Covered | |
Unit 4 | 3 Round Firearm | |
Unit 5 | Drill: Cane, Fight, Shoot, First Time Student Demo | |
Unit 6 | Drill: Cane, Fight, Shoot, Instructor Demo | |
Unit 7 | Scenario #10: Home Invasion 2- Armed | |
Module 19 | Week 10, Class 1 | |
Unit 1 | Warm Up (from Prep & Warm-Up Week 1, Class 1) | |
Unit 2 | Review: ALL Cane Defenses vs Grabs, Punches, Knife, Firearm | |
Unit 3 | Drill: Cane-Gun Grind | |
Unit 4 | Discuss: Cane Matrix & Graduation Briefing | |
Module 20 | Week 10, Class 2 | |
Unit 1 | Cane Matrix Experience Introduction | |
Unit 2 | Matrix, Part 1 | |
Unit 3 | Matrix, Part 2 |
I think you’ll agree that the COBRA Cane 10 Week Academy is something special. This week is launch week and Cane Self Defense University is open for lifetime members. This means that you pay once and you’re in for life, We’ve only allocated 14 slots and some of those have been taken already.
Lifetime membership registration closes on Saturday.
If this is the kind of training you have been looking for then sign up now by clicking the PayPal button below.