Modeled after the global C.O.B.R.A. Self Defense law enforcement based curriculum, (Joe Robaina is International Director of Instructor Development for COBRA Defense International) this is the first and only reality based, scenario driven Cane Self Defense Training in existence.
ACSD Curriculum Level 1 Rank: LEADER
Maneuverability means agility. Agility means having the ability to respond to any attack, or attack pattern without thinking about it or having to search your memory for the right response. Maneuverability is what gives you and your Cane the edge you need to stop and fend off any attack effectively.
ACSD Curriculum Level 2: ADVANCED
This is the second level of the ACSD curriculum and leads to the ADVANCED RANK. Must earn the LEADER Rank before this ADVANCED Rank. At this level, Caners are allowed to wear the Advanced Shirts. May be ordered at or ACSD HDQ: 800-289-8188
Five 2 Survive: A Force To Be Reckoned With, In Just 2 Hours of Training!
Five 2 Survive is the ACSD Tactical foundational course designed to make you effective in your first 2 hours of training to the point you’re a force to be reckoned with Cane in hand! Five 2 Survive is comprised of 26 separate videos and reality based simulation scenarios, mental, verbal and physical skill sets.
Cane Morph: “Morphing” Into A Nightmare for Multiple Assailants!
Cane Morph is all about “morphing” into a nightmare for assailants. This training is unique and can’t be found anywhere else. In this never before seen training, we focus on empowering you with strategies and drills to deal with multiple assailants. The concepts presented here are considered advanced and will take your Cane Self Defense skills to unprecedented levels.
Cane At Home Fitness Workouts: Quick Sessions To Get in Shape While Enhancing Your Cane Skills!
There are many ways to stay in shape with your Cane and if you know what you’re doing you can sharpen your Cane Skills and improve your Fitness simultaneously with short efficient workouts that are effective and enjoyable. The workouts are customized based on skill level and fitness. The goal here is to keep our […]